Monday, February 8, 2010

Comments For Kids Assignment 2

I read Raheel's blog; he talks about how his class is learning how to make cartoons. He list the tool's he used to create his cartoon "bloat, pucker, warp, hue/saturation and selection brush tools". I think its so great that kindergartners are able to use this type of technology. It promotes creativity and learning in today's youth, a issue that is not addressed enough.


  1. Did you go to any of the sites and check out how to use them?
    Do you have an example that you could do or share?

  2. I also agree that this is important because it does promote creativity and learning in today's youth. I believe that creativity is being taught less and less in the classroom, and like the video we had to watch at the beginning of the semester, the guy explained that we teach kids to not be creative. As we get older we are taught to not be wrong which takes away our way of being creative.
